
Book Study

We are a people, as John Wesley said, of only one book: the bible. However, there are so many wonderful works of Christian literature out there that can help us gain understanding and grow in our faith.

Join us for Book Study, where we gather to discuss some of these works with open dialogue.

Next Study: TBA


Being biblically minded in an increasingly secular culture does not happen by accident. The important and sensitive subject matters of our time require thought and deliberation if we are to navigate these often-troubling cultural waters as Christians.

Table-Talk arose out of the need for us to see things biblically, have a worldview that is shaped by God`s Word, and join together in discussion about those matters that are talked about around the table in American households.

Every other Saturday at 10a

Bible Class

It`s like bible study, but with a little more emphasis on the teaching. Pastor Dan, working with retired pastor Charlie Englehart, set out to teach the contents of the bible, from cover to cover! Each week brings an exciting hour of learning, followed by wonderful discussion and fellowship.

Wednesday afternoons at 5p

Prayer Group

At CGR, we believe in the necessity and power of prayer, and no church can be complete without it. This group gathers twice a month to engage in this vital work.

Every other Wednesday at 9a

Q&A Night

Coming soon! Twice a month, Pastor Dan will be available to answer any and all bible or faith related questions. Check back for details.